Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Have you ever noticed how beloved imperfection can be? I love the misspelled words on birthday cards from my nephews and the black, smudged patch on my dining table where my mom tried to repair a discoloration I may or may not have caused. It is not the pristine and shiny that become our cherished keepsakes but rather the stuff of thoughts that count, A’s for effort, well meaning attempts and life well lived. The most valuable art I own still has flicks of crayon on the paper and the memory of big round eyes looking up at me beaming with the sacrifice of effort and the hope of praise. Perfection and excellence are not the same thing.

Perfectionism is often a roadblock to excellence. Sometimes we are so focused on (our subjective idea of) perfection that we miss an opportunity for excellence. “My way” is not a synonym for perfection and when we insist on arbitrary criteria we can stifle others from pursuing excellence as well. As followers of Christ we are called by “His glory and excellence” so that we “may be partakers of the divine nature”. We are called to excellence and therefore should strive to imitate Christ in morality, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love. (2 Peter 1:1-7) Instead, we focus on our own idea of perfection and sometimes miss the mark of excellence in the way we work, play, teach, serve, love, etc.

“My way” does not equal perfection nor is it demanded by Excellence.

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