Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Do You Like Your Party?

Dear Jesus,

Happy Birthday!  I am so glad that you came as a baby in a meager place to normal parents and made that day extraordinary. I hope you like your party. Streamers and balloons alone just would not do - Your day should be different. So, we put up the prettiest tree we could find and its evergreen needles (plastic as they may be) remind us of Your eternality and the forever You have promised. Lights have gone up everywhere so that even lamp posts and gutter drains are a thing of beauty because You are the Light of the world and One beyond compare. Do you like your party? I hope You do.

We’re not sure what food You like so we just made EVERYTHING; and with every fork full we remember to taste and see that You are good and that all good things come from above. For most birthday parties we sing a simple birthday song but for You we sing the songs we have saved all year. Do You like Your party? I hope You do.

We have set aside a time to gather, but clowns and party games seemed too normal for fun on such a special day, so we play with the tradition of St. Nick and his generosity; and while we laugh along with the jolly white beard we know that he is a tool to celebrate You. Of course we have nothing but ourselves and obedience to offer You who owns it all; but we share what we have, wrapped in glitter and bows, as a testimony of love and the gift of life we have in You. Do You like Your party? I hope You do.

More than the reason for the season, this season is the reason we may live. You came; and so we celebrate - not more than any other day, just, today, in a very special way.

Do You like Your party? I hope You do.

Christ has come! Go and Tell.

Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 13, 2013

A Single Moment

Recently, an article circulated on social media that got the attention of some friends of mine and was quickly making noise in my inbox. The article was part of a series on diversity in the church. Much to the surprise of some, this particular article was not about race, ethnicity, or age (typical hot topics on church diversity); instead the minority group in focus were the unmarrieds of the church. Perhaps it is strange for me to say considering that I am single, but singleness is actually one of my least favorite topics to discuss. It’s kind of scary. Regardless of the audience it is hard to discuss singleness when you are “a single” for the risk of coming across as bitter or whiney or just plain ignorant of the challenges of marriage. However, I have recently been convicted about my fear on the topic and God has reminded me that we are in the circumstances we are in to bring Him glory and to minister to others. Has He not commanded? So, this one is for all the single ladies (and gentlemen); and for the marrieds who want to understand.

By any and all standards I am extraordinarily blessed - and not in a cheesy card kind of way, but in a “I really do wake up happy to get to be me” kind of way. I have a great life. I love my home and my stuff. I love how I get to spend my time and the people with whom I share it all. I am living my dream of spending my time writing and speaking about God’s Word and the love of Jesus. I am the obnoxiously proud aunt of four nephews and three nieces, and the daughter, granddaughter, sister, and friend, of those who are equally happy to call me their own. I have a church family with whom I gladly serve, and I live in a town where Starbucks and Gigi’s Cupcakes are putting up signs!

Nevertheless, I still want to be married. I want to spoil some handsome fella rotten; I want to finally put to good use the fact that my mom made me learn how to iron mens’ dress clothes; and I want to pass on these chubby cheeks and this big head to future mess makers of my own. I have no delusions that married life is easier than single life or that it will be the cure for lonely moments or heartbreak. What I do understand is that life is a series of trade offs and that there are no pluses without minuses. Being single is not the opening act of the headliner for whom everyone bought tickets. We are talking about two very different shows. The difficult thing about communication between marrieds and unmarrieds is that as soon as you go from one to the other you forget the pangs you left behind. Singleness never looks as good to the single as it does to the married and vice versa. The truth is green grass grows on both sides of that fence its just more difficult to see when you are standing on it. 

I am not single because I am anti men or marriage. I strive to encourage the marrieds in my life and to be a support for them and their pursuit of holiness. I am not single because I am immature or a party girl (yes, I hear all of you who know me laughing at that one). I don’t have a room full of dolls that I call my babies and sing to at night or any other crazy stereotypes of single women. I am just single because God has seen it fitting to be that way for now. He hasn’t told me why; He never said He would. If it were my choice and if life were a television Christmas movie then I would just hire a stranger to be my date for the holidays and BAM! we would fall in love to a montage of crazy family moments; but in real life hiring strangers to be your date just lands you on the news. 

Of course I am just the story of one, and certainly there are many unmarrieds for whom stereotypes were made and who kill the curve for us all; but before you sit the singles in your life at the kiddie table permanently I want you to consider the fact that his/her pursuit of godly singleness may be a struggle of obedient faith in God’s plan and a willingness to trust Him. Biblical manhood and womanhood are under extreme attack. I realize that probably sounds dramatic, but only to those who aren’t paying attention. Our culture both actively and passively seeks to feminize men and man-up women under the misuse of the word “equality”. (Equal does not mean “same”; and more than that, “equal” is not a biblical focus - but that is a blog for another day). These cultural attacks make being a godly man or godly woman increasingly difficult regardless of marital status. 

Single people, your life is not on hold. Your singleness is a tool the Lord has given you. It may not last forever so may good use of it now. Your purpose does not kick in on a wedding day. Serve.
Married people, be grateful that you have a partner with whom you serve. Don’t waste it. Your marriage is a powerful tool and a great gift. Do more. 

Mostly, let us compassionately and actively love one another and encourage one another as we seek to follow God’s plan to bring Himself glory and to magnify His Kingdom on earth, regardless of the shoes in which we walk.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sack That Quarterback

A couple of weeks ago, the blazing hot sun and I went to see my second oldest nephew, Clayton, play football. The stands were teaming with family and friends cheering with gusto as these pint-sized pigskin players gutted it out on the field. However, even the loudest of bleacher coaches were given a run for their volume as the cheerleaders spread down the sideline with the enthusiasm of a competitive squad and a pitch that is unique to peewee cheerleaders. As my sister and I stumbled down memory lane at our misguided attempts at cheerleading, I noticed an extra bouncy ponytail headed to her cheer coach with zeal in her eyes, "Let's do 'Sack That Quarterback'!" she requested eagerly. Even from several rows up I could hear that this was obviously a favorite cheer of hers and it seemed as if she would burst if one more second passed by without this cheer. The problem?? Her team was on offense.

All too often in our families, our churches, our governments, our communities, even in our own hearts we are so busy focused on the roles and tasks that we enjoy most or perform the best that unbeknownst to us we are actually working against the goals of our team. We are so focused on our sideline work that we have no idea what is going on in the field.

I Corinthians 12 tells us that God has put His church together as a body; one unit functioning with many members. Each member has a specific task, but there is only one head, who is Christ Jesus our Lord. If in our physical body the brain is directing the hands to feed the stomach, but the hands are too busy juggling because it is flashier and more fun, then the whole body starves. Certainly, the hands do not maliciously juggle, but life and Scripture will most definitely affirm that ignorance is most assuredly not bliss. We will be held responsible not only for what we know and do, but also what we would have known and done had we been paying attention.

"But now there are many members, but one body." I Corinthians 12:20

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Reverence For You

Making my way through Psalm 119 I was brought to a halt at verse 38, "Establish Your Word to your servant, As that which produces reverence for You."

Produces ...
                Blessings for me?
                              Answers for me?
                                          Comfort for me?    No.

Establish Your Word which produces REVERENCE FOR YOU..

Certainly our great, multitasking God does provide blessings, instruction, comfort, correction, and much more through His inerrant and living Word; but if we come to it with these as our primary goals we have missed the joy of getting such precious revelation. God's goal in establishing His Word in our lives is first reverence and glory for Himself. Our awareness of His glory produces obedience, and it is our faithful obedience that makes the Word of God a deep well of blessing and guidance.

How can we retrain our brains to approach The Scripture as a conduit for a heart of honor and worship? Back up with me to Psalm 119:37, Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity, And revive me in Your ways. Did you see it? We must turn our eyes from looking at vanity and be revived to the ways of our Father God. We learn from the book of Ecclesiastes that this world is full of vain and fleeting things masquerading as matters of dire importance (or, at the very least, seasonal importance). For me even teaching or writing about God's Word can be a source of vanity. I am sometimes guilty of reading or hearing God's Word only as a means to my next teaching; how productive do you think that is? :-) Our families, homes, jobs, friends, churches, and things become opportunities for vanity rather than tools for worship and service, because we neglect the glory of the Giver of these gifts.

Often we feel as if God is unwilling to share with us the truth we need to hear as if He is playing a game with us. However, if we are honest with ourselves, we have to admit that our ears are only open to the "truth" that we want to hear - the one that seems easy - rather than the Truth of God.  Our eyes are focused in the wrong direction. Instead, may our hearts be like that of Job, an answer-less man who declared, I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You; Job 42:5

God in Heaven, give us more of You.

Monday, May 20, 2013

"Answer the Call"

Hello G.I.M.S. Readers! This is Kelli Reeves making my maiden voyage into the blogosphere to give you all some big news!

Allison's new CD Answer the Call is now available online at www.allisonwilks.com. Answer the Call is a three session recording of a women's retreat held at Joe Wheeler State Park. Best of all, the three session are available on one disc for only $10.

Our prayer is that this single disc retreat will give Christian women a better understanding of God's call on the life of every believer and this knowledge of the truth will result in obediecnce to the glory of God. Below is a little teaser info about each session.

Answer the Call
Session 1: "I Cannot Come Down"
God has given us an important work to do and the freedom to live confidently in that purpose for His great glory! - (and other guilt-free reasons to say "no")

Session 2: "Biblical Womanhood Remix"
Biblical womanhood has gotten a bad rap. Let us throw off these imaginary chains and delight in the truth of God's Word.

Session 3: "Taking it to Heart"
Holiness does not happen by accident. Intentionality and preparation are cornerstones of a beautiful offering. Let us take it to heart and write a legacy of honor in our "book of remembrance".

Click HERE to listen to a sample from Answer the Call and/or to make a purchase.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Miyagi Mom

I peeled potatoes, sliced strawberries, stirred pots, washed dishes, and every other mind numbing, finger cramping task a mother can impose on a daughter. I folded clothes, collected hangers, and learned 17,000 uses for "plain, white hand soap"; all the while we talked. And talked and talked and talked. My mother earned the right to know every important detail of my life simply by listening patiently to every insignificant detail. Meanwhile, she Miyagi'd me.

For any readers who may have been unfortunate enough to have missed out on the Karate Kid dynasty, Mr. Miyagi was a wise teacher who taught young Daniel expert Karate moves with the use of routine chores. Unbeknownst to Daniel Mr. Miyagi also slipped in respect, discipline, and compassion. Sneaky, right?

My mom was a Myagi. From the kitchen counter I learned more life lessons than I can recount about patience, respect, creativity, ingenuity, hospitality, and godliness. Domestic tasks have gotten a bad rap in recent decades but the truth is, in the functions of the fairer sex I learned the strength and peace of not just being lady-like but Christ-like.

Today is Mothers Day, and while the pain of missing my own mother and of not yet being one myself is enough to make me want to hide and spend the day in my own sorrow, I did not. I got up, went to worship, taught Sunday School, congratulated the mother's along my path, even accepting the well-meaning but misguided Mother's Day wishes sent my way with a smile. Why? Because the joy of The Lord is my strength and my Mom taught me so.

I am grateful to be able to celebrate today the women in my life who wonderfully made me an aunt. As well as celebrate my mom who parents me even today.

Thank you, Mom, for everything I learned while you taught me something else.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Not So Random Kindness

"With what shall I come to the LORD and bow myself before the God on high? ......... "He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8

Several months ago I saw a post on Facebook by a lottery winner claiming that he would randomly give away one million dollars to one of the people who "Liked" or "Shared" his post; and he was doing this in the name of random kindness. While I appreciate that this gentleman was willing to part with a portion of his winnings, I could not help but think to myself, "that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard!" While it is certainly more dramatic to make his gift random; it would have been more kind to have been generous with intention. What if his randomly selected recipient is already a millionaire? Would a children's hospital or homeless shelter not make a more suitable choice? Or what about a few families in his neighborhood who have fallen on hard times despite their hard work?

"Random Kindness" is currently getting her fifteen minutes of fame. Celebrities, charities, news media, and the like are all emphasizing random kindness - and while I will happily take random kindness over UNkindness any day - kindness that is random is still a pale shadow of kindness that is bathed in thoughtfulness and cloaked with purpose. This fruit of the Spirit is an inseparable part of the Oneness that is our God and according to the prophet Micah, "what is good".  I understand that the intent behind the random kindness campaign is to remind us to be thoughtful and to share the good with which we have been blessed; to remind us to take the small opportunities to demonstrate love to others. Nevertheless, as a believer in Jesus Christ every moment of my life is to be one of worship and devotion to God and therefore is deeply kind. Kindness is not a token; its a testimony. Kindness is not an offering that we give to others, but one we give to God by way of our fellow man as we take steps to walk humbly with Him.

Random kindness is but for a moment and pays homage to a momentary glimpse of the goodness that is within each human being as part of the image of God in which we were created. However, intentional, thoughtful, prayerful kindness is the character of the Heavenly Father and a mandatory way of life for any who are in Christ Jesus so that He alone may receive the glory.

"Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good repute in the sight of God and man." Proverbs 3:3