Thursday, August 5, 2010

All About Eve

No, not that Eve – she is off the hook for now. I’m talking about “eve” as in “the period before some event.” Today is my niece’s first birthday. I cannot believe that twelve months have already gone by. That means that last night was Aubrey’s First Birthday Eve! You think I’m kidding but I was up well into the wee hours doing laundry, packing, wrapping my gift, and just being excited. My sister has a blowout luau planned this weekend to celebrate with all of our family and friends. Such a sweet time to commemorate this wonderful life God blessed us with and to recognize the potential for great things in store for her in Christ. I love her and I am pumped! Happy Birthday Binky!

Half the enjoyment of a big event or holiday is the eve. The great anticipation of things to come and the hope of delight. An eve gives us the opportunity, should we choose to make good use of it, to get ready for the big day. Without an eve sometimes we do not get to properly acknowledge an event, like when you find out it is a coworkers birthday about ten minutes before you clock out. Eve is a warning, a heads up – “something big is coming; be ready”.

What is today the eve of? What does God have on the horizon for me that I need to prepare for? What anticipation should I be enjoying with due diligence and great joy? Clean out the refrigerator, do the laundry, pack a bag, and gas up the car. Today is the eve of something great in the Lord. Today is the day to prepare for obedience and to do His good pleasure. Is today the day after a fight, an accident, a catastrophe? Or an anniversary of heartbreak? Do not despair. Today is His Glory Eve!

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24).

1 comment:

  1. After weeks of hard days, today is the eve of His Glory being revealed. Thank you for this! May His Name be praised!
