Thursday, January 29, 2015

Life Threatening

My 33 year relationship is over.  Love abounded, but when you threaten the life of someone I love then I have no choice but to end what had been a wonderful life together. That is right, for those of you who did not know, Peanut Butter and I have parted ways. (insert single glistening tear)

A few short months ago, we found out that my oldest niece, who is only five years old has a life threatening allergy to peanuts. I am not telling you that she will break out in hives; I am not saying that her tummy will be upset. I am saying plainly that jelly's best friend and a baseball fan favorite can take the life of this sweet baby. My sister would have to give you the exact numbers and all the medical jargon, but what I know is that it would only take a nearly invisible amount of peanut residue to bring on this reaction. It is serious. So, what did this aunt do? I ditched it all. No peanuts, no peanut butter, nothing "processed in a plant" with it, nothing that "may contain it". Gone. My pantry is clean. Why? Because I would never do anything to risk endangering her life. I live three hours away from her, but my home is peanut safe so that her mom never has to worry about giving notice before she visits and so I don't worry about having to hide something when she comes. It's dangerous and I would not and will not risk her life no matter how much I used to like it.

The same is true of sin. A fraction is life threatening.  We know that the Bible says plainly "The wages of sin is death," yet we continue to store it in the pantry of our lives and hide a morsel or two in the bottom of a drawer. Why do we risk it? Do we not understand how serious it is? Life-threatening. Yes, I am aware of the fact that the rest of the previously quoted verse is "but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord." However, we need to remember that Jesus did not come to change the nature of sin. Sin remains damaging and dangerous. Jesus came to rescue those who choose to follow Him and to save them from the penalty and power of sin. Nevertheless, we are still warned of the potential harm that sin, in any form or shape brings. Proverbs 14:9 begins by saying, "Fools mock at sin". Yet, we giggle at it on tv and whisper about it among our friends not at all realizing that we declare ourselves foolish.

Unbelievers, sin not only has your life been threatened but condemned already (John 3:16-21). Believers, sin still threatens your life. No, not your eternal one, but the one you live daily while still away from home. Sin robs our joy, sin robs our health, sin robs our opportunities, but most of all sin robs us of the intimate fellowship by which a life lived in the Light of God should be characterized. Let us open up all we have before the Lord and invite the Holy Spirit into every crevice that, in every moment, our lives might be inviting and pleasing to the King of Glory.

It is serious. It is dangerous. Let's not risk it.