January 2012 Status Report???
Just over one week since people everywhere made late night declarations for new year improvements. Exercise? Eat Right? Spend less? Sleep more? Bible Study? How are you doing so far? If you are anything like me, my resolutions tend to get packed away with the Christmas decorations. I view New Year's resolutions as personal competition rather than self-improvement and the moment I slip up rather than dust myself off and press on I just declare "fail" and eat an entire cake. (Well, I don't, but that would be fun.)
I am so grateful that the Lord deemed it good to give us time and seasons as reminders of the freshness of His mercy. Not just self proclaimed do-over time on New Year's day, but the daily rising and setting of the sun that teaches us about the infinite grace of God. The fear of the dark is always met with the hope of a sunrise. He forgives our sin and failure and brings out of filthy rubble an abundant life. He does not just mend; He heals. He does not just cleanse; He purifies.
A couple of months ago, my sister and brother-in-law hosted a bonfire at their house for my family. We had a wonderful time roasting marshmallows and enjoying being outside. However, when we went inside the smoke followed us. We stunk. Everything and everybody had to be thoroughly washed. I could not help but think of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego in Nebuchadnezzar's fire. These men were washed with flames and yet the grace and mercy of God brought them out and "the smell of fire had not come upon them" (Daniel 3:27).
Whatever stench has followed you into this new year or even this new day our Holy God can and does cleanse and make all things new.
Happy New You!
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