On television when a police officer wants to interrogate a suspect the suspect is shut in a tiny, cold room and a bright light is shining in his/her face. Do you know where the police picked up this technique? The dentist office. Or maybe it was the other way around.
Yesterday, I went to the dentist for a cleaning. I was quickly escorted into a cold, blue room about the size of my walk-in closet. The hygienist reclines my chair, shines a bright light in my face, and with a sharp, metal instrument poised near my eye she begins her work. Unsettled by the scraping sounds I wait for the interrogation to begin - "So . . . do you floss?"
Why is this question so unnerving? What do we think is going to happen if we say "No"? Dentist jail? Floss flogging? I have never had a cavity nor have I ever not received high marks at the dentist, but still I get nervous. I think the reason is because no matter the answer we give, the proof is in our mouth - and we know it.
Similarly, regardless of the show we put on for others or even ourselves, the Holy Spirit examines our heart and knows fully the corruption and ungodliness that prevents our obedience to God. We know what we should do and simply do not. The Bible has a great deal of mysterious and difficult to understand teachings, but not as much as we would like to pretend. The Lord has given us wisdom and knowledge for holiness and righteous living. The excuses we make only last until "we open our mouth and remove all doubt." What a generous God we serve who satisfied His own justice in Christ Jesus so that even as He searches and knows us, He loves and has forgiven us. What a God we serve!
So, just for fun, let's do a survey (see poll to the right). Do you floss on a regular basis? Truth: cathartic and contagious.
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