“I’ve got a blog for you”, she said to me across the dinner table while opening a jar of baby food and juggling a cup of juice. “You should blog about how God sometimes lets us get hurt so we will remember not to do the thing that hurt us again – just like I have to do with Aubrey.”
Aubrey is super mobile but just like all baby’s she doesn’t know her limitations. She wants to go head first off the couch or climb off of the brick hearth or stick her little fingers in cabinet doors. Sure, I suppose my sister could clear her home of furniture, pad the walls and floor, refuse to let Aubrey sit or crawl or walk; and that would keep her safe, but what kind of life is that? No, she has to let her try and fail and get hurt so that she learns now, “Feet First! off the couch.” Nothing teaches us caution quite like a few knots on the head.
The same is true of our Heavenly Father. He has to let us feel the pain of our wanderings so that we will remember well the hurt and be careful to draw near to Him and look to Him for guidance and supervision. Sure, we would all love to have our memories of sin and failure erased, but then what would keep us from walking that path again. A little pain now to save us from great harm later.
Great insight Allison and Alaina. God does allow us to experience falls and he lovingly helps us remember so we chose not to fall again. Love you girls, Christen