Thursday, March 19, 2015

Good News, Princess

     On the edge of my seat I sat in a dark theatre watching the latest rendering of Cinderella. My three year old niece stood between my knees with her arms draped over my legs watching intently. The rubber bottoms of her shoes rubbing the skin off the tops of my feet was my price for using her as an excuse to go see this movie. (Totally worthy it I might add.) Beautiful music, exquisite colors, stunning costumes, and, of course, a story that puts me both in a far away palace as well as right back in my footie-pajamas on the couch with my mom. I was taken.
     "Real life is not a fairy tale," I scolded myself as I realized I was being swept away with all the dreaminess of magic, royals, and happy endings.  I have read far too many Christian relationship books to be taken in by the nonsense, right? How will I ever be happily married if I let myself love a fairy tale, right? This is reality and in reality only children fancy themselves in a story.  I glanced down at the top of Maddie's head, a little embarrassed at the childish joy of imagining life as a princess that was welling up in me. When suddenly and unexpectedly there He was; in a dark theatre, in a private moment of my heart He appeared, the King of Glory and the Lifter of my head. As near and intimate as my face in His hands He whispered "Good News, Princess". I did not literally see the face of my Lord, yet I know without a doubt that with a gentle, tilted head, He smiled as He reminded me of the place the gospel of Jesus Christ had placed me.
    Am I not the King's daughter? As a part of the body of Christ, His beloved church, am I not betrothed to the Prince of Peace? Am I not joint heir of a kingdom that has no end? I am a princess; not in an imaginative and allegorical way, but in the reality of the blood of Christ and because the Bible tells me so. We are often so fearful of being thought prideful or immodest that we functionally deny the truth that God has sang over us with rejoicing (Zephaniah 3:17).
     One day He will come for me in rapture or in death and I will be escorted, uninhibited by this world's sin, into the presence of our King. The Son of God will present me perfected by His blood and suitable to bring my praise. I will stand in His presence which is more splendid and glorious than any set designer or cinematographer could ever dream. I will behold Him and be held by Him not as dust, but as daughter.
     This hope, this unwavering certainty, of the future He died for is what He delights for us to enjoy today. Good news, Princess, your King knows what you are going through. Good news, Princess, your Prince's righteous right hand holds your frail and tired one. Good News, Princess, be lifted, be encouraged Christ has come. Life is in fact not a fairy tale, who would want to settle for that; for loving Christ and knowing God are more wonderful and more remarkably breathtaking than any legend I've ever known.

Good News, Princess, very good news.